For My SELF I, II(2018)

Flowered bottles. Bouteilles plastiques recyclées, bambou, film de palettisation

In the Loop. Gaine aluminium, panier de basket
Prisons personnelles série #III (2017)

Villemur sur Tarn (31).
Cet été, suivre le chemin des biennales, expositions et musées à travers l'Europe (Italie, Suisse, Allemagne France) a été l'occasion de revoir tous ces amis qu'on ne voit pas si souvent, chez eux dans leur environnement, dans leur lieu de vie, dans leurs problèmes. Toutes ces petites (ou parfois) difficultés du quotidien qui deviennent insurmontables quand on est englué dedans.Ces problèmes qui conduisent à des réflexions sans fin. Des réflexions qui prennent toute la place, qui empêchent de penser, de rêver à d'autres choses, de vivre tout simplement...
...ces pensées qui nous emprisonnent

I believe I can fly. Film de palettisation, Ballon

Live love hate (installation nœud/nœud).

I can't get you out of my head

Simulation scénographie

Small Bangs (2016) par le COLLECTIF 2S Saurat Streichen
Saint Julia (France - 31). Installation mise en oeuvre à partir du 6 septembre 2016
Co-réalisation Marc Streichen et Jocelyne Saurat (Collectif 2S Saurat Streichen)
Pour en savoir plus :

Marc Streichen - small bangs

Marc Streichen - small bangs
Darn Roots 2015

"En me concevant, tu avais pensé à ton autre installation, celle du calvaire - cloitre de Sallèle d'Aude que tu préparais pour cet été. Celle où la centaine de fils reliaient ces arbres immenses au sol, plongeant dans l'herbe de manière quasiment magique. Tu cherchais à montrer l'importance de ces liens dans la nature, ces liens autrement plus importants que ces connections entre vous - êtres "humains" dénués d'autant d'humanité que de connections virtuelles de vos réseaux sociaux.
Tu pensais aussi à ces hommes qui grandissent "hors sol" comme élevés dans des cultures hydroponiques suspendus au dessus de la terre et nourris de substrats artificiels. Leur culture, leur vie et leurs membres devenant aussi artificiels que leur vie virtuelle.
Tu pensais enfin à ta vie, immigré de luxe et à tes racines de plus en plus déconnectées de ta terre natale américaine. Comme tous les immigrés, cette terre originelle continue à irriguer quelque chose de très profond en toi alors que les liens entre elle et toi continuent de se distendre. Comme tous les immigrés aujourd'hui les liens restent plus forts grâce à internet. "
Strings attached 2015

Sallèles d'Aude. France. 10m x 15m x 20m
Our highly connected society is willing to make us beleive that all the information that we need comes directly to us without any effort. Nevertheless one can feel deep inside that the quantitative, rational information that comes to us through our screens is limited. Other links exist.
How do animals are able to forecast their master coming hom ? How do schools of fish change directions in a perfectly coordinated way ? Most of all, why do babies who are fully fed die if they don't have any motherly care (Cf. dramatic expermimets by Caucescu)
Links, interactions exist between these living beings. Animals, plants, human beings have woven links between each other for thoousand of years. Life depends on these relationships.
Technology cuts us from feeling those links in the same way as the generation born in the GPS era loose their sense of direction.
[prisons] personnelles II 2014
![marc streichen - [prisons] personnelles II](,h_428,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/1c7f36_c9bb18fd0ec841b4bc71dc9b7b55dc73.jpg)
![marc streichen - [prisons] personnelles II](,h_428,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/1c7f36_7267090acb204762a3a40324bc21e92c.jpg)
Four cages in a row, four levels of emprisonnment. Following the first personal prisons installation in 2013, this one invites us to question himself about the evolution of his own limits and constraints that he has set during his life.
Four cages wrapped around four series of existing posts in Revel in the south of France. The cages lock up in four different ways four simple chairs

Men, light as stones, always try to raise like Icarus.
From1870 Etienne-Jules Marey will use photographs to break down the movement of living beings. The modern version of the break down of the flight of Icarus had to be in 3D
Our world is now business driven. Here, Icarus limit would be called "the glass ceiling"...

3D Cathar tic tac toe 2014
In 1210, Minerve was taken by Simon de Montfort. It was the first time "heretics" were burned at stake. Nine centuries later, this event still shapes this location. It is this specificity that struck me :
It's in your bones, in your stones
It's in the air, I can feel it everywhere
That's why I created for the artistic event "Les Grands Chemins en Minervois", an installation which revistis this struggle between the Cathars and the Catholic inquisition in transposing it into a current context. Marc STREICHEN used a kilometer of transparent wrapping film a few microns thick to realize a monumental Occitan cross - the challenged Cathar symbol - over 15 meters in diameter trapped in a black hollow cube - the Catholic fundamentalism of the time
Work of contrasts, each element is alternately strong and weak, tapered and massive, aggressive and evanescent, modern (futuristic) and ancient. This work spreads its message of tolerance in these times of rising intolerance, fundamentalism: The cube can not prevent the cross to expand but the cross can not be released.
This work will be visible from late June to early September 2014 in the gorges of the Cesse at the foot of Minerve (Hérault) in the south of France.
[prisons] personnelles 2013
The monumental installations called Personal [prisons] – sort of giant cages and walls about 36 feet long made of transparent plastic foil -aimed at drivng spectators to see the bars of all the artificial limits that one builds around himself and his actions: lack of money, fear of other’s judgment, of change, etc.

marc streichen -prisons personnelles

marc streichen -prisons personnelles

marc streichen -prisons personnelles

marc streichen -prisons personnelles
Ravalement de façade (2012) COLLECTIF 2S SAURAT STREICHEN
Cartel de l’exposition collective «Chantiers»
2012 21x14 cm. Scan HD traitement numérique
Co-réalisation avec Jocelyne Saurat
«Ravalement de façade»
2012 95 x 65 cm.
Scan HD, Impression jet d’encre sur rhodoÏd rétro-éclairé
Shower of colors. Douche de couleurs (2011)
Wood, concrete and "green" paint and pigments on wood.
This artistic installation is an invitation to be for once closely surrounded by colors. It follows the curves of the room changing the the space in D. Buren ways. It's black envelope, echoing the surrounding black and white engravings, amplifies the contrast with the shower of colors hidden inside.